CTT’s Road Safety Program

We are Portugal’s universal service postal operator, leaders in the mail and express parcels’ delivery, also present in the financial business.

With more than 3000 vehicles, we operate one of the largest auto fleets in Portugal, crucial to deliver millions of letters and parcels daily.

With so many vehicles and employees on the roads, sustainability and road safety matters are of the utmost importance for CTT.


In 2015 we implemented a new Road Safety Program, covering wide areas: vehicles’ safety, drivers’ training, control of accidents and awarding the best drivers and teams.

This program’s main target is to reduce road accidents, including labor accidents, especially in two-wheels vehicles.

To develop this project, we created seven working groups involving several areas.

1 - Road accidents diagnosis
2 – Training
3 – Vehicles
4 - New drivers
5 – Awards
6 - Control of accidents
7 –Communication

  • Road accidents’ diagnosis

    We assessed, described, and diagnosed what caused around 2000 road accidents. This task is regularly updated and very important to develop future actions.

  • Accidents’ control

    We implemented a road accidents’ monthly control model and improved our information program.
    The road accidents are evaluated and, if necessary, we take additional measures on a monthly basis.
    There are audits with no previous notice to ensure that our fleet is safe, and that the preventive maintenance is running normally.

  • Vehicles

    Our additional safety devices were analyzed, and we chose new ones according to the most frequent accidents. The additional devices were integrated in procurement programs, that are regularly reviewed.

  • New drivers

    We have designed a psychological evaluation model and practical training to our new drivers.

  • Training

    Our training program includes specific actions to our new divers, to drivers that suffer more accidents, operational supervisors and others, if necessary. The training is provided in teams, self-tuition or presential (defensive driving). The number of participants has increased significantly since the beginning of the program, accelerating as of 2018 because of the changes made to the sensibilization model, when we reached 32000 participations. This value has been stable since then.

  • Recognition

    Every year we select the best teams according to the evaluation model that includes road accidents and energetic performance (best consumptions). These teams are challenged at the national Drivers’ Challenge, organized in the scope of the CTT’s Road Safety Program, and the best teams are awarded. The best team will represent CTT at the International Drivers’ Challenge. Click here for more information on this event. Drivers’ Challenge here.

  • Communication

    Every year we have developed a set of awareness and disclosure actions regarding road safety, including information on the safest teams and drivers. All subjects are defined according to the evaluation and reviewed on a regular basis, and the contents are prepared internally.

Since the beginning of the program that the absenteeism caused by road accidents has reduced gradually, reaching the lowest value in 2020 despite a considerable increase in fleet’s activity. In 2021, the reduction on the working days lost since the beginning of the program reached total values close to 80000 days.

Apart from the environmental impact, the reduction on the road accidents also impacts on the sustainability and financial areas.

As regards the environment, the Road Safety Program enabled a better vehicles’ exploitation, a defensive and eco-efficient driving, and the practice of a considerable fuel saving policy (also important to CTT’s energetic rationalization plan).

This program also benefits CTT’s image as an environmentally friendly company, by minimizing the impact of its enormous road activity developed.

Relevant aspects and Recognition

This program presents several innovative features, like

  • Initial and annual diagnosis
  • Accidents’ evolution permanent monitoring vs targets
  • Existing safety devices analysis and adoption of new equipment.
  • Division of the CTT population, with specific actions according to the accidents, per type of vehicle
  • Regular and frequent communication on the subjects considered as most important to prevent road accidents within CTT.
  • Provision of online CTT specific road safety training contents.
  • Specific training to drivers with more accidents, with a significant and consequent reduction in the number of accidents after those training actions (93%).
  • General awareness initiatives with participation control.
  • Multidisciplinary initiatives in the teams with more accidents.
  • Dynamic program, permanently adjusted to the existing accidents, and implementation of new measures, when required.
  • Continuous program, to gain experience and know-how.
  • Improvement on the information regarding all accidents, labor or just material damages.
  • Intense collaboration with all fleets’ management levels, especially with operational supervisors.
  • Recognition, by allying energetic efficiency to road safety.

For all this, we have been awarded:

CTT’s commitment on Road Safety

In the scope of the Road Safety program, we have developed the Road Safety Commitment as an important reference for the whole company, and that may be accessed at any time.

At CTT, we think that the promotion of road safety is everyone’s responsibility.