Principles, policies and other regulations

We act based on benchmarks.

Aware of the responsibility of being agents in a sector that, through the conveyance of goods, is responsible for a considerable carbon footprint, CTT looks at Sustainability as a central theme of its development strategy - Faster, Better, Greener. Moving in that direction, CTT has committed to achieve the net-zero goal by 2030.

We use sustainable development principles in our strategy and corporate practices. The challenges are very demanding in a continuously developing market. These are the acting principles that inspire us.

Economic value

  • We create permanent and sustainable value to shareholders.
  • Our management systems’ continuous certification reflects our commitment towards our customers, the environment and quality of service. 
  • We promote economic growth and reinforce our proximity within the community and society on a daily basis.

Innovation and development

  • Innovation and creativity drive our daily solutions.
  • We try to be pioneers and adopt market leader technologies, to ensure sustainable processes with positive impact to all.

Ethics, governance and integrity

  • We have listening, communication and dialog channels always open, trying to meet everybody’s expectations.
  • We communicate our social, economic and environmental activity and performance in an objective and transparent way.
  • We have values, principles and codes of conduct that guide our performance before our stakeholders.

Environmental protection

  • We promote the protection of the environment and biodiversity, energy efficiency, and the fight against climate change. 
  • We are recognized in worldwide industry rankings for positive results in carbon management.
  • We are aware of the carbon footprint of our operation and we operate, already today, one of the largest and most modern ecological fleets in the country, which continues to grow.
  • The supply of carbon-neutral products and services, as well as products incorporating reused or recycled materials, continues to expand.
  • With the contribution of Portuguese women and men, we have already planted about 100,000 native trees in the national territory, reinforcing our commitment to our forest. 

Social Impact

  • We have practices to reconcile professional, family and personal life.
  • We contribute to the promotion of gender equality, towards parity in top and middle management positions.
  • Respect for human rights is part of the corporate policy and we have internal channels for denunciations of practices against people's dignity.
  • We promote the involvement of employees with the community, through environmental and social volunteering initiatives.
  • We dedicate a portion of our annual revenues to generating positive community impact. That impact is measured and managed to broaden and deepen its effectiveness.